ICM Assignment 2

2 min readSep 24, 2020


classical snake game

This week’s ICM we learn rule-based animations. I really think p5 is great for creating games. Last week I created a click game. It is sort of animated so I want to create a game most people played — snake game.


I realized that I can not code this game in one file. Creating a separate class snake that controls the action of the snake is very helpful. The snake class first needs a constructor to initialize a snake when called. Then each time player pressed the keyboard I need to update() and show() the snake. When a snake consumes food, it will eat() and expand(). Setters for set horizontal speed and set vertical speed. However, I realized that changing speed on only one direction will have a bug since the snake will always move in one direction. I will change it to move on an (x,y) coordinate instead.

setMoveDir(x,y){this.xSpeed = x;this.ySpeed = y;}

Now my snake can move across the screen by pressing the keyboard’s arrow key. I used p5 build in functionkeyPressed() to achieve it.

I will randomly generate a square on my canvas. Whenever the snake’s head hits the food, I will regenerate the food. I use dist() function to check if the snake’s head hits the food.

let distance = dist(this.body[0].x,this.body[0].y,food.x,food.y);
eating food


In this file, I only need to call functions in the snake and check if the game ends. I had some problem display game end text on canvas but I don’t know what I did wrong I see nothing. Instead, I show the text in the console. Just learn some simple logic and loop I am able to code a snake game. It’s very fun.

Things to Improve

  1. make the end game text working
  2. Somehow I have to start the snake at 0,0 other positions will not show the snake.
  3. add high score feature and display scores
  4. when a snake moved to the edge it will not end game instead it appears on the other end.
  5. The restart button when the game ends
  6. improve the snake’s looking and food looking


Special Thanks to Daniel Shiffman for his snake game video link.



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